CranioSacral Therapy (CST) is a light-touch approach that releases tensions deep in the body to relieve pain and dysfunction and improve whole-body health and function. Most of our body structures are influenced by the central nervous system which is ultimately influenced by the craniosacral system. This system is made of up of the soft tissues and fluid that protect the spinal cord and brain. Tension and stress on our bodies, after some time, can have a deep impact on the brain and spinal cord.
CST can help release tensions and stress in order for the entire body to relax, self-correct and heal. This light touch therapy helps release restrictions and free the central nervous system to help eliminate pain, stress, increase resistance to disease and enhance overall health and well-being. Since this technique is so gentle, it is effective for all ages including infants and children. Common symptoms treated at our centre are:
Tongue and lip ties, colic/reflux, digestive disorders, feeding issues, seizures, torticollis & plagiocephaly, ADD & ADHD, autism, chronic ear infection, sensory processing and more.
Migraines, headaches, chronic neck and back pain, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, TMJ syndrome, scoliosis, PTSD and more
Migraines, stress, headaches, chronic fatigue, TMJ, scoliosis, PTSD
This service is provided by Kelly, one of our Registered Massage Therapists, our Physiotherapy-Osteopathy practitioner and Manual Osteopaths and can be claimed under many extended health insurance plans.