Naturopathic medicine is a distinct primary health care system that blends modern scientific knowledge with traditional and natural forms of medicine. Our Naturopathic Doctors use the art and science of naturopathic diagnosis and the treatment and prevention of health concerns using natural therapies including botanical medicine, homeopathy, clinical nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine/acupuncture, lifestyle counselling and health promotion as well as disease prevention. Read more about Naturopathy here.
More specifically in the perinatal period, naturopathic medicine can help with the following:
A Naturopathic Doctor can assist you in your fertility journey. Whether trying to conceive naturally or using reproductive technologies, you will have a customized plan to help with common issues like stress management, dietary modifications and herbal, homeopathic and supplement recommendations.
Naturopathic medicine can help with common issues throughout pregnancy such as heartburn, anxiety, nausea, leg cramps and fatigue. You can learn about a healthy diet and lifestyle habits to help support you and your baby’s development; and speed recovery from childbirth. Working with a Naturopathic Doctor can help by increasing energy levels, improving milk supply, feelings of being supported and reducing the risk of postpartum depression and anxiety.
A Naturopathic Doctor can help guide you on how to support your children’s general health and strategies for common concerns such as digestive issues, ear infections, eczema, concentration and more.
At Rooted Family, we provide naturopathic medicine for all family members! Our Naturopathic Doctors work in collaboration with our other practitioners in order to help you and your family achieve your wellness goals.