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Book Appointment

Our physiotherapy-osteopathy service integrates these 2 complementary modalities. With physiotherapy, you will get a precise diagnosis of your pain or issue and a description of the best exercises to help yourself. With the integrated osteopathic approach, you will get a detailed holistic assessment of your whole body including the cranio-sacral system (related to energy levels, concentration and sleep) and the digestive system. This allows your practitioner to understand how imbalances and tightness in different parts of your body may be contributing to your main problem and give you a more effective hands-on treatment. 

What to expect: 

Your initial physiotherapy-osteopathy appointment includes a detailed health history and physical assessment. We then discuss the findings and give you your first treatment during the same visit. Our osteopathic approach means that your treatment will be mostly hands-on based. Your practitioner will release the tension in the areas that are contributing mostly to your main pain or problem. Our Kanata physiotherapist-manual osteopath will suggest the number of follow up appointments as part of your customized treatment plan and then adjust as needed depending on the healing process and your unique wellness goals.  At the same time the practitioner may also suggest some exercises that may be helpful in speeding recovery. Occasionally, the use of athletic tape and therapeutic ultrasound to help tissues heal may be part of your care plan.

Conditions Treated with Physiotherapy-Osteopathy Care

Our Physiotherapist-Manual Osteopathic Practitioner can help manage and relieve a variety of conditions, including:

  • Neck pain
  • Headaches
  • Low back pain
  • Sciatica
  • Shoulder pain
  • Digestive disorders: acid reflux, bloating, constipation/diarrhea, IBS and more
  • Low energy and concentration
  • Ear-Nose-Throat problems: mouth breathing, repeated infections and more
  • Knee and hip pain
  • Wrist and elbow pain
  • Plantar fasciitis
  • Tendinopathies
  • Tailbone pain
  • Arthritis
  • Positional vertigo
  • Sprains and strains
  • Scar release
  • TMJ disorder

Specialized Physiotherapy for Pregnancy and Postpartum

During pregnancy, hormonal changes and postural shifts place added pressure on the spine and pelvis. Our physiotherapist-manual osteopath practitioner offers specialized perinatal hands-on care, which can:

  • Relieve back, pelvic, and joint pain
  • Address sciatica
  • Help control nausea
  • Improve pelvic alignment for a more comfortable pregnancy and birth

Our practitioners can also help you adjust your exercises or start exercising to help reduce the risks of pregnancy complications.

In the postpartum phase, physiotherapy and osteopathic treatments can aid in:

  • recovering from the physical demands of childbirth
  • addressing pelvic floor issues
  • supporting hormonal balance
  • And returning to activities and sports that you love

By focusing on overall body alignment and function, physiotherapy and osteopathy contribute to a smoother transition into parenthood and enhance the body's natural healing processes. This is a valuable holistic approach that complements conventional postpartum care, promoting optimal health and well-being for both parents and their newborns.

Physiotherapy-Osteopathy for Infants and Children

Pediatric physiotherapy and osteopathy is a type of bodywork that focuses on nurturing the well-being of infants and children by addressing a spectrum of concerns. From relieving colic, constipation and digestive issues to aiding with latching difficulties and breastfeeding or bottle feeding difficulties, physiotherapy and osteopathy offer gentle techniques that promote balanced growth and development. Techniques include cranio-sacral therapy to align the bones of the skull and pelvis. This optimises the baby’s ability to nurse and swallow, as well as their digestion and elimination. This approach also helps manage conditions like:

  • Torticollis and plagiocephaly
  • Repeated ear infections, colds and airway infections such as bronchitis (by releasing tension around airways, drainage paths, and immune system structures)
  • Blocked tear ducts and other eye and vision problems (by aligning cranial bones and structures that support these systems)
  • Problematic sleep patterns
  • Headaches and other pains

These treatments can also enhance immune function and support your child’s overall health. Babies are treated lying down, sleeping, held in their parent’s lap or our practitioner’s lap. 

Pediatric physiotherapy and osteopathy stands as a natural and non-invasive form of bodywork to help with optimal physical alignment, comfort, and vitality for children as they navigate key developmental stages.

At Rooted Family, we provide physiotherapy and osteopathy for all family members! Our physiotherapist and manual osteopath works in collaboration with our other practitioners in order to help you and your family achieve your wellness goals.

** These services can be covered by all insurance companies under physiotherapy. 

Meet Our

Physiotherapy-Osteopathy Practitioner

Mokhtar Akbari, PT
Mokhtar Akbari is a Physiotherapist with 19 years of experience and extensive post-graduate training in Osteopathy. He has been integrating Osteopathy and Physiotherapy for all ages during his whole career, with training in Cranio-Sacral Therapy, infant and child check-ups, and digestive system treatment. He also treats pregnant people and offers postpartum care to realign the body and promote health. Mokhtar is completing his 5th year of a 6-year Osteopathy program at the renowned Centre Ostéopathique du Québec in Montreal. Students in this program may start practicing as manual osteopathic practitioners as of the 4th year because they have completed all the core curriculum by then. Mokhtar is now completing additional specialization courses as well as conducting scientific research on manual osteopathy for eye and head problems in babies. Working as a physiotherapist with an osteopathic approach, Mokhtar's treatments can be covered by all major insurance providers under physiotherapy. Mokhtar has a passion for holistic health and helping children and pregnant people live a balanced joyous life. He likes to make people laugh and is a father to a 2-year old with another baby on the way in November 2024. He provides services in English, French, and Farsi.