Kelly Watters-Gibbons is a registered massage therapist, Contemporary Acupuncture provider and a Certified Babywearing Educator, who was born and raised in the Ottawa area. Kelly graduated from Algonquin College in 2003 with her Massage Therapy Degree and has attended workshops and courses in CranioSacral therapy, somatoemotional release, temporomandibular joint, and manual lymphatic drainage. She obtained her diploma in Acupuncture in 2012. Kelly's experience includes the treatment of chronic pain, headaches, pre and postnatal discomfort or injury, sports injuries and motor vehicle accidents or general discomfort. Kelly’s clients represent a varied demographic including day old infants, active military, teenagers, weekend or professional athletes, grandparents, high stress workers, etc. Kelly’s philosophy of practice is ongoing education, lifelong learning and prevention for herself and her clients to promote a healthy pain free lifestyle.